

Starting out CIPS is not always as straight forward, sometimes i hear from a number of new students who need guidance and information about starting our CIPS.

CIPS have made the information readily available but lets be honest, many of us are too lazy to do the research.

Basic pointers:

  1. Find out which level you will start at.  I recommend asking CIPS where you need to start by emailing them your basic info and qualifications on crc@cips.org (most times with a degree, you start at CIPS diploma level 4, worth confirming)
  2. Register as a student (you need to because you need access to the portal, done online or through British Council depending on which country you are)
  3. Buy your books (online, hard copies – depends on which part of the world you are)
  4. Decide when you will sit for your first exam sitting (there are about 3 sittings er year – depends on which part of the world you are) exam registration is done online or through British Council
  5. Prepare for exams and sit for exams

Click below to access A guide to CIPS qualifications
